Deze postpartumbegroeiingsolie hydrateert het haar diep, versterkt en stimuleert de haargroei. Het herstelt de keratine-structuur, voorkomt breuk en verhoogt de weerstand tegen haaruitval, terwijl het volume, vitaliteit en veerkracht aan het haar toevoegt...
This postpartum hair growth oil combines exclusive oils and botanical extracts to deeply hydrate, strengthen, and stimulate hair growth. It restores the keratin structure, prevents breakage, and increases resistance to hair loss, while adding volume, vitality, and resilience to the hair. Everything a mother needs to tackle the challenge of postpartum hair issues.
Thoughtfully crafted with mothers in mind, it features gentle extracts that provide the same powerful benefits as essential oils, but in a formula specially suited for new and nursing moms. Since many essential oils are generally discouraged during pregnancy and breastfeeding due to their high concentration of active compounds, we’ve selected gentle, effective extracts to safely support postpartum hair care.